

This project aims to convince traditional Hindu cultural elite, particularly dvija-s
to transition to Indian villages soon and prepare;
and support them in doing so.
dvija-s have been the backbone of Hindu civilization;
it is by their power and obstinacy that Gods, sages and ancestors continue to be adored (even by the wider society) in India.
They brought beauty and harmony of the highest order, and can continue to do so.

By dvija-s we not only mean brAhmaNa-s, kShatriya-s, vaishya-s;
and also sat-shUdra-s who,

  • subscribe to the victorious and beautiful dharma of the Aryas,
  • are confident in their self-worth and contribution to high civilization,
  • reject victimhood & quota ideology of the dasyus,
  • like trans-generational and communal refinement,
  • are pro-dvija-s, even as good dvija-s are pro-sat-shUdra-s,
  • and (far from forcing dvija-s to lose their saMskAra-s and aptitude)
    perhaps want to ennoble themselves to being de-jure (rather than just de-facto) vaishya-s .



In India, we observe the below:

  • dense population.
  • Famine + war looming post-oil-collapse (150 yrs, +100 if ice methane works). (Ref- Murphy )
  • ब्रह्म-द्विट्-प्रभुत्वम्, jAti-woke-ism, sickular government.

A huge fraction of dvija-s and high IQ/ high-saMskAra communities
have migrated out to cities (and abroad),
with few members left in rural areas
to conserve - alongside modern science - religion, noble Hindu ideals,
and revive, when circumstances are right, a noble, harmonious and better organized society.

When famine hits, such city people be in a worse position relative to rural people -
there will be lands and harvest snatched, jihadists and bandits etc..
Beyond the negative impact on themselves,
it will be terrible for society as a whole
due to the accompanying loss of knowledge and specialized ability;
leaving it vulnerable to ugly decay and obliteration.

It would be a shame for Hindu India to turn into modern gandhAra, Afghanistan or (post-ethnic cleansing) kAshmIr.
We (whether as individuals or civilizations) should,
strive for noble aging and death (which themselves are inevitable).

Participation modes

  • Establish yourself in a village,
  • attract other qualified people


  • Must give talks in schools, maThas etc..

Are you interested in this project to convince and support “dvija-s” (broadly defined)
to move to Indian villages - https://rebrand.ly/grAma-dvija ?
If not, you can mention it to compatible Hindus on the “conservative” spectrum.