ध्येयम् Objective
- Weather the coming collapse of industrial civilization (explained in background) by returning closer to nature
- Nurture nobility, wildness without savagery
- Retain knowledge and wonder about our universe, Self and the Gods to the extent possible.
- Adore nature.
- Adore the Gods, sages and ancestors mainly via Hindu customs (adapted to the context).
- Perpetuate general and family-specific values, skills and arts accross generations.
- Pass our values and knowledge to deserving outsiders to the extent they grok it; and maybe collaborate with them.
- Good founder size - going for 500 families. This is critical in order to reliably achieve the objectives. Recruitment ideas considered separately.
- Family is the main organizational unit.
- Investment of time and money in rustic life (eg. ranches) even while working “modern” jobs if needed.
- Be habitually armed.
- Cohesion to the extent possible
- Lingua franca (in formal meets, documents) - sanskrit (founders are fluent in it.) Easy to learn by immersion within a few days. औपचारिकी-भाषा संस्कृतम् एव स्यान् मौखिकम् अपि - यथापेक्षम् अनुवादको नियुज्यताम्। सर्वेषां च संस्कृत-शिक्षणं स्यात्। परिवारस्तरे स्वबलम् अनुसृत्य भाषान्तरम् भवतु नाम।
- Cultivate study of noble kAvya-s and shAstra-s
- Location - being considered elsewhere.