2 Recruitment



  • We seek Hindu families
    who are firmly committed to retaining their saMskAra-s, knowledge (traditional & modern) across generations;
    who preferably “do the math” (web) and conclude that modern industrial society will not last, for the most part, beyond a few generations.
  • They should agree with the settlement constitution.
    • Particularly, they should be willing to (eventually) switch over to Sanskrit - atleast for formal communication.
    • Of course, they should (gradually) learn the language of the surrounding people (eg. Spanish).


Shooting for 500 families.

If founder size is not sufficient, colony is almost certain to fail in it’s “conservative” goals. If too short:

  • One is left with countries (eg. suriname) with decent preexisting H population; but with worse geography.
  • Recruitment of modernist quasi-christian locals is unlikely to succeed without strong ISKCON like missionary activity (if then) - just scholarship won’t suffice.


Rough sequence -

  • send pioneer
  • buy big piece of land;
  • divide into house plots, small farm plots, common grazing ground.
  • build house + hostel with class rooms with toilets and common kitchen
  • get the farm running
  • offer house + farm plots to qualified H (theoretically “faculty”)
    for “volunteer/ very cheap lease while you try”,
    ending in sale and settlement (preferably as local citizens)
  • attract students


If we can attract maTha-s of various sampradAya-s to co-locate - say near hastinApur, argentina - that could attract the “right crowds”. That’s all we need expect from them.



Are you interested in joining a few young families who seek
to establish an agrarian traditional Hindu settlement and school somewhere in Latin America,
where they can preserve, practice and propagate, alongside modern science, Hindu religion and arts (classical music, dance, rituals, meditations…) in peace
even as the industrial society collapses when fossil fuels run out, with unrest being more severe in the old world. - https://rebrand.ly/lat-am ?

If not, you can mention it to compatible Hindus on the “conservative” spectrum.