शिक्षा - उच्चारणे ध्वनिरक्षणे च सूचनाः Reciting and Recording- tips

Short url : https://rebrand.ly/mbh-recording-standards

Good pronunciation: Most important

varNa-level pronunciation (English)

  • Clearly distinguish न vs ण, स vs श vs ष, अल्पप्राण (त) vs महाप्राण (थ), थ vs ध, आ vs अ (esp in the end, like in उवाच), etc.. But don’t overcompensate! Overemphasis on mahAprANa-s etc.. harms the natural melody.
  • Don’t elongate final vyanjana-s. “इदम् अन्यत्तु भगवन्” इत्यत्रान्तिमनकारो “भगवन्न्अ(३)” इतिवन् न श्रूयेत।
  • There is a pervasive practice of Visarga pronunciation in Karnataka state, as like in the place of pronunciation of the words “पराक्रमः” and “विक्रमः”, it sounds like “पराक्रमहा” “विक्रमहा” which gives opposite meaning (like one who destroyes valour is “पराक्रमहा” and one who destroys the courage is “विक्रमहा”) to the listeners. Therefore it should be tried to be silent as much as possible while pronouncing the end Visarga.
  • use उपध्मानीय where विसर्ग appears before प/फ, and jihvAmUlIya where it appears before क/ख
  • Optionally (“अनुस्वारस्य ययि परसवर्णः, वा पदान्तस्य”), try to replace terminal anusvAra in a word with the appropriate anunAsika. Example: शङ्करं किञ्चित् → शङ्करङ्किञ्चित्, रामं वीक्ष्य →‌ रामव्ँ वीक्ष्य, रामं लक्ष्मणम् → रामल्ँ लक्ष्मणम्।


  • परिशुद्धतया +उच्चारणीयः - विशिष्य - “न”कार“ण”कारौ, “स”कार”श”कार”ष”काराः, अल्पप्राणमहाप्राणाः(त/थ यथा), “थ”कार“ध”कारौ, “आ”कार”अ”कारौ (विशेषतया उच्चारणान्तसमये यथा “उवाच”)।
  • पदान्तव्यञ्जनानि दीर्घस्वरेण प्लुतेन वा नोच्चारणीयनि - यथा “इदम् अन्यत्तु भगवन्” इत्यत्रान्तिमनकारो “भगवन्न्अ(३)” इतिवन् न श्रूयेत। कदाचिद् वाचनशैलीम् अभिलक्ष्य सोढुं शक्यम्।
  • विसर्गस्योच्चारणे कर्णाटप्रदेशे वर्तमाना काचन रूढिर् दुर्निवारा दृश्यते - यथा “पराक्रमः” इति वचनस्य स्थाने “पराक्रमहा”, “विक्रमः” इति वचनस्य स्थाने “विक्रमहा” इत्येवं श्रूयते - तच्च विपरीतार्थसूचकत्वात् (पराक्रमं हन्तीति पराक्रमहा, विक्रमं‌ हन्तीति विक्रमहा) केषुचिद् वैरस्यम् उत्पादयेत्। अतो ऽन्तिमहकारसदृशं विसर्गस्थानीयं शब्दं‌ यथासम्भवम् अव्यक्ततरं‌ कर्तुं यतताम्।
  • “क””ख” वर्णयोः पूर्वं विसर्गस्य(ः) संयोगो भवति चेत्, जिह्वामूलीयस्य, तथा “प””फ” वर्णयोः पूर्वं विसर्गस्य संयोगो भवति चेत् उपध्मानीयस्य उपयोगः कर्तव्यः । उदाहरणम् - अन्तःकरणम् → अन्तᳵकरणम्, बहिः पश्य → बहिᳶपश्य।
  • विकल्पेन पदान्तानुस्वारस्य स्थाने पुरो वर्तमानस्य व्यञ्जनस्य अनुनासिकवर्णमेव उच्चार्यताम् - यथा “शङ्करं किञ्चित् → शङ्करङ्किञ्चित्, रामं वीक्ष्य → रामव्ँ वीक्ष्य, रामं लक्ष्मणम् → रामल्ँ लक्ष्मणम् । (“अनुस्वारस्य ययि परसवर्णः, वा पदान्तस्य”)

Pauses and tune (English)

  • In case of verses - adapt a melody or tune appropriate for the meter.
  • Read without breaking sandhi-s or adding excess gaps (eg. in the end of odd pAda-s). By doing this, the rules of Prosody would be followed, and the issues like wrong pronunciation of Visarga can be avoided.
  • With prose sections, where the punctuation marks ought to be, plan where you will pause for breath.

यतयश्च गतयश्च

  • श्लोकोच्चारणसमये - छन्दोनुगुण्येन रागो योजनीयः।
  • सन्धीन् अविभज्य, अधिकविरामं वा न दत्वा पठनीयः (विशिष्य विषमपादान्ते)। अनेन च्छन्दःशास्त्रनियमः पाल्यते, पादे पादे कटुविसर्गोच्चारणादिदोषा वार्यन्ते।
  • गद्यभागोच्चारणे, कुत्र विरामचिह्नानि वर्तेरन्न् इति विचिन्त्य पथेत्।


  • Bonus: Verse or prose: Try to render appropriate bhAva (especially in emotional spots). For example, convey the “conversational” bhAva.
  • छन्दो वा गद्यम् - उचितेन भावेन सह पठ्यताम् (विशेषतः भावपूर्णसन्दर्भेषु) उचितं भावम् अनुसृत्य ध्वन्यताम् ।

Good recording


  • Pronunciation should be excellent. See “Good pronunciation” section above.
  • Recording should have no notification sounds, no phone call sounds.
  • Recording should have no “correction sounds” - ie “रामो गच्छति काक्…काकुत्स्थः” or “रामो गच्छति काक्… पुनः … रामो गच्छति काकुत्स्थः”
  • गणेश-सरस्वती-व्यासादीनां नमनम् प्रतिसर्गं ध्वनिमुद्रणे न स्यात् - कामम् ध्वनिमुद्रणात् पुर्वं श्रद्धया स्वतृप्त्यै कुर्यात्।
  • Our mechanical processing of recordings means that you don’t have to worry about the following:
    • your recording sounding “too faint” when you record or hearing different volumes while listening to different adhyaaya-s. As long as within a recording file, the loudness is consistent and as long as information in our spreadsheet is accurate - we’re fine. Loudness will be automatically adjusted.
    • including your name in the recording filename. As long as information in our spreadsheet is accurate file metadata will be automatically adjusted.
    • leading and terminal silences - they will be automatically discarded.

General instructions

  • To easily record flawless pronunciation (choose whatever works well for you):
    • Break up a given long chapter (say anything over 20 shlokas long) into sections of (say) 10 shloka-s and make separate recordings for it. So, rather than submitting one mp3 file for a whole 163 shloka chapter, you would submit 16 or 17 mp3 files, each with about 10 shloka-s. If and when you make an error - you just create a fresh recording for the corresponding set of 10 shloka-s. (अनुवादः - यदि खलु सुदीर्घो‌ ऽध्यायः [यथा विंशत्यधिकश्लोकवान्] पठ्यते। तेषु दोषा भवन्त्येवाविरतपठने यस्य कस्यचित्। अतः‌ उपायेन खण्डशः‌ पठित्वा प्रेषयतु - प्रतिखण्डं उप-१० एव श्लोकाः स्युः, येन १६४-श्लोकात्मकस्य +अध्यायस्य १७ (१६ वा) खण्डानि कृत्वा सञ्चिकाः सृष्ट्वा प्रेषयेत्। तेन दोषे सति, दुष्टस्यैव खण्डस्य पुनःपठनम् करणीयम् भविष्यति। एवं‌ हि प्रेरणार्थम् एतद् वाचनम् भवितुम् अर्हति, यत्र खलु श्लोकशः‌ केनचिद् विचक्षणेन गीताः श्लोका ग्रथ्यमानाः।)
    • Rehearse difficult shloka-s once before unpausing and recording. In case you’re having much trouble: “Before each shloka, pause the recording and rehearse until you are satisfied. Then resume and make the practiced recording. Repeat for the next shloka.”
    • If you make a mistake or are unsatisified, just rerecord after a 3 second silence. Later, cut out the mistake as described in the technical instructions below, and submit only the good portions.
  • To avoid extraneous sounds:
    • मध्ये दूरवाणीशब्दो (notification sound) हन्त आगतश् चेत् - ततः परं रसापकर्षणम् नास्ति। ध्वन्यङ्कनसमये दूरवाणीयन्त्रम् मौनस्थितौ (“do not disturb mode”/ “airplane mode” इत्यादिना) स्थापनीयम्। कम्पनशब्दो (vibration)ऽपि न स्यात्।
  • If despite efforts, there are shortcomings, don’t worry - we can fix or replace later.

Technical instructions

  • युष्मासु तान्त्रिकविषयेषु सन्देहास् सन्ति चेत् सूचयन्तु - दूरस्थोऽपि तत्समाधाने यतिष्ये। Google meet इति तन्त्रांशस्तु स्थापनीयः, येन “mobile phone screen sharing” इति सम्भवति।

Android setup and usage

  • Install ASR App
  • Set up the app as needed:
    • Consider enabling noise cancellation (PS: Note that this reduces recording volume, but that’s ok - it’ll be adjusted after you submit the file).
    • Recording format: mp3, disable “recording in stereo”.
    • Optional settings: Sample rate 44.1kHz, Bitrate 64 kbps.
  • Pause and proceed during recording as needed. Don’t pause in the middle of a verse to avoid jitters - only pause between verses.
  • Removing errors: In case there are mistakes in the middle of a recording, you can use the scissor icon in the bottom right part of the playbackscreen of ASR to save the “good portions” as separate files, which you can later submit as a multipart recording of the allotted chapter
    • Screenshot from ASR showing scissor icon

Iphone setup and usage


  • Assign small portions for recordings depending on recorder’s capacity.
  • Track progress, ensure respectable pace.
  • Periodically gather submitted recordings, check them, suggest corrections.
  • Once a satisfactory initial recording is obtained, do the following (Useful scripts here: mbh_audio):
    • normalize the audio
      • set loudness to 16dbfs
      • change from sterio to mono
      • remove silent stretches
    • add mp3 tags identifying the reciter in some standard way
    • upload to github and the archive item.