
हरिः, ॐ! स्वागतम्!


We aim to freely (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License) publish and distribute the popular and inspiring (mostly Sanskrit) kAvya-s as audio books on the internet.


It is important to note that at any point in time, the output(in the form of audio files) of our efforts up to then will be available publicly and freely on the internet at archive.org. We will constantly publish a summary of project status online. So, connoiseurs will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor even as the project progresses to increasingly higher levels of completion and quality.

Listen or download here:


If you would like to contribute to this effort, or if you want to suggest books of similar calibre for future reading, please let us know offline. One doesn’t need to be tech-savvy - and all one needs is some time for pleasure, discipline and a mobile phone with an internet connection for uploading (see video here). Even aged retired people have contributed recordings without any trouble.