Rjrasva list

Source: TW

  1. Natural resources: Latin America > overexploited old-world countries by far whether it be empty land, minerals, water, oil & gas
  2. Ease of entry: Generally Latin America has easy path to entry, residency, & citizenship including jus soli (birth right citizenship)
  3. Quality of life: Much better than India whether it be traffic, pollution, honking, cleanliness
  4. Pay: Higher wages than India, in some cases much higher as in the case of Chile Uruguay
  5. Chances of backlash: Lower because there is no 1 set apart founding ethnic group that feels threatened by immigrants. Most Latinos are Mestizo’s who sometimes are hard to tell apart from Indians from India. Catholicism is also collapsing throughout Latin America with rise of secularism + evangelicals, so becoming religiously diverse as well
  6. MERCOSUR, Andean Community, Pacific Alliance all means ease of movement from 1 Latin American country to another
  7. Existing old Hindu diasporas in Suriname, Guyana, & Trinidad & Tobago. In the case of Suriname they have even retained Sarnami Hindi after 150 years
  8. Geopolitical stability: No major wars between Latin American countries in living memory, is covered by US Monroe doctrine
  9. Crime & cartels: Issues in some but not others. Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Costa Rica, Argentina don’t have cartels & gangs running amok.

VVS Aiyar attempt

Source: TW

y. Aiyar was constantly writing to his father of his desire to settle in Brazil where land was rich and plentiful, instead of going to India where he might be arrested and jailed. Could not his father, Aiyar asked, arrange for a hundred hardworking South Indian families to go with him to Brazil and colonise that country.