“आचार-प्रभवो धर्मः”, as विष्णु-सहस्र-नाम-स्तोत्र says. True, solid dharma arises from proper AchAra (and perishes without it).
So, Hindus need authentically sourced ritual (saMskAra, AchAra) procedures; compiled by sages; practiced by our victorious ancestors.
We’ve hired a few people to type up precious manuals (besides collecting those already published on the net) and published them for free online, so that anyone can read, search, copy / distribute, like -
- मूल-सूत्रादि
- शत-पथ-ब्राह्मणम् सटीकं सानुवादम्।
- आपस्तम्ब-गृह्य-धर्म-शुल्ब-श्रौत-सूत्राणि सटीकानि, सानुवादानि। (Apastamba gRhya and dharma sUtra-s, EkAgnikANDa commentary)
- एवम् बोधायन-गौतमाश्वलायनादीनाम्।
- अन्यैर् उट्टङ्किताः मनुस्मृत्यादयः सटीकानुवादाः।
- श्रीवैष्णव-कृताः प्रयोग-ग्रन्थाः (YV-SV , SV )
- गोपाल-देशिक-श्राद्ध-प्रयोगः
- माडभूषि-वीरराघवः - ०१ पूर्व-प्रयोग-चन्द्रिका, ०२ अपर-प्रयोग-दर्पणः
- वीरराघवार्य-प्रयोग-माला
- श्रीनिवास-देशिकः - पूर्व-प्रयोगः, अपर-प्रयोगः
- गोपाल-देशिकः आह्निकम्
- आह्निकार्थ-प्रकाशिका, आह्निकशेषः रामभद्राचार्य-कृतः
- वैकुण्ठ-दीक्षित-प्रपन्न-धर्म-सार-समुच्चयः (in progress)
- कोऴियाल-रङ्गरामानुजः - लघ्वाह्निकम्, हेयोपादेयदर्पणः
- यति-धर्म-सम्मुच्चयादयो ऽन्यैर् उट्टङ्क्य प्रकाशिताः।
- इतरे प्रयोग-ग्रन्थाः
Further refer to this presentation on the need for rituals, saMskAra-s and such.
Anyone may freely use those and anything else we’ve collected.
- One may in turn share any texts or manuals he collects so as to be similarly preserved/ distributed.
- Or, one may volunteer labor to proofread such texts, if equipped with time, a computer and ability.
Some of our proofreading/ publication efforts target other areas. (Eg. kalpa-texts, tattva-texts, kAvya-texts, vyAkaraNa)
I’m also interested in arranging for long-term (millennium scale) text preservation even for the coming post industrial era - https://rebrand.ly/dg-archive . But no traction - since the right technology (which exists) / interest is not at hand. If you know some one interested in such please connect.