Tattva texts


Classical Hindu thoughts on the nature of existence, soul, (re)incarnation, the Gods, nobility, joy etc.. merit preservation and propagation.

We’ve hired a few people to type up precious texts (besides collecting those already published on the net) and published them for free online, so that anyone can read, search, copy / distribute, like

  • वेदाः, भाष्याणि, अनुवादाः
  • इतिहास-पुराणानि
    • भागवत-पुराणस्य वीरराघव-टीका (क्रियमाणम्)
    • महाभारतस्य पारायणम्
  • श्रीवैष्णव-ग्रन्थाः
    • परिचय-सङ्क्षेपाः - क्वचित् सटीकाः, सानुवादाः
      • कृष्णमाचार्योक्ता मत-प्रक्रिया
      • यतीन्द्र-मत-दीपिका
      • वेदान्त-कारिकावली
    • यामुनः - आगम-प्रामाण्यम्
    • रामानुजः
      • वेदार्थ-सङ्ग्रहः
    • हयशीर्षोपाख्यानम्
  • सर्वात्म-शम्भु-सिद्धान्त-प्रकाशीका

Anyone may freely use those and anything else we’ve collected.

  • One may in turn share any texts or manuals he collects so as to be similarly preserved/ distributed.
  • Or, one may volunteer labor to proofread such texts, if equipped with time, a computer and ability.

Some of our proofreading/ publication efforts target other areas. (Eg. kalpa-texts, tattva-texts, kAvya-texts, vyAkaraNa)

I’m also interested in arranging for long-term (millennium scale) text preservation even for the coming post industrial era - https://rebrand.ly/dg-archive . But no traction - since the right technology (which exists) / interest is not at hand. If you know some one interested in such please connect.